Make it happen

I’ll own up to being Mrs. Busy Busy. I love being busy. I get far more done when I am busy than when there are spare days in my diary. However I’m also guilty of using being busy as an excuse for not doing the right things.

I blame planning teaching sessions, marking work, writing copy for other people’s businesses, planning the Business Dinner Club, my family commitments and all manner of other activities for not moving my business forward. The truth is I get a lot done but I also waste a lot of time that could be used doing things more effectively.

This weekend I attended Carrie Wilkerson’s BOSS event in London. I own up to being a little bit sceptical before I went. Carrie is from Texas and has made a lot of money in a short time. I thought this could be a very American, get rich quick event but I’m delighted to admit I was wrong. The time I spent with Carrie, her speakers and her delegates was absolutely the right use of my time.

The silly thing is that I really didn’t learn anything I didn’t already know but what I realised is that I’m not capitalising on what I know. Carrie said that if you have one hour of material you have the foundation for a $1million business. I’m currently teaching 12+ hours a week, one programme is 32 weeks long. Why then am I not a billionaire?

The answer has to be that I’m too busy being busy to work on the right things. So I’ve made a commitment to devoting a minimum of an hour a day to work on developing my business. I’ve set some goals to turn my knowledge in to income generators and I’ve got the belief that I can do it.

I hope to attend more of Carrie’s events in the future. Carrie was brilliant and so was Jenny Flintoft of the Association of Work at Home Women. If you get the chance to attend an event where either of them are speaking take it!

I know from my current dieting how helpful it is to have support, I’ve lost almost one stone (14lbs) in seven weeks and am still focused and resolute. If you want support to develop and achieve your business goals drop me an email to

Great picture of Carrie but as you can see my diet still has some way to go and a hair cut would be a good use of my time!

2 thoughts on “Make it happen

  1. Great work!! Was so good to meet you and I look forward to seeing you in January!!

    I’m also refocused on losing a few stone 😉 We’ll compare notes when we meet again!

    So proud of you!

    Hocus – Pocus – the MAGIC is in the FOCUS!

    Carrie Wilkerson

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